September 4 2017
Like a good football game, played with passion and cheered on by a roaring crowd, a good investment portfolio brings all the excitement of a win to its owner.
August 18 2017
Globally there are 17 REIT sectors, of which 13 will not be affected and three stand to benefit.
August 17 2017
The Real Estate sector outperformed the S&P 500 11 out of 14 times between 2002 and 2016?
August 13 2017
Mall REITs comprise roughly 13% of the REIT Indexes (VNQ and IYR)
July 29 2017
Failure to sell at the appropriate time results in the benefits of correctly timed buying disappearing!
July 22 2017
The six most apparent reasons why doing the REIT thing (by including it in your portfolio) is doing the RIGHT thing.
July 14 2017
We continue to manage our global property fund in a benchmark agnostic manner.
June 10 2017
A ludicrous mentality has taken over the herds in relation to Malls.
March 24 2017
Specialty REITs collect rent from their tenants in a similar manner to that of the traditional REIT managers but it is the unique mix of property types that differentiate the two.
March 7 2017
REITs in particular have traditionally traded at either discounts or premiums to NAV depending on expectations of the future direction of underlying property prices.