Our view on investing in Global Property

At Reitway Global, we have a specialized investment approach that revolves around Global Listed Property. With a niche strategy, we focus exclusively on this asset class, allowing us to develop high-conviction views that drive wealth-enhancing performance over the medium and long term.

As a property fund manager offering both active and passive investment products, our investment philosophy is crafted to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of our investors while aiming to generate long-term value and consistent returns. We recognize and appreciate the unique characteristics and benefits of both active and passive strategies, and we seamlessly integrate them into our investment approach.

We believe in maintaining a patient and persistent investment mindset, aligning with the inherent nature of real estate as a long-term asset class. By adopting this approach, we can potentially deliver attractive returns to our clients while mitigating unnecessary risks.

Our investment strategy combines comprehensive research, rigorous analysis, and an in-depth understanding of the global listed property market. We continuously monitor market trends, identify investment opportunities, and carefully manage our portfolios to optimize performance.

Overall, our investment approach combines the best of active and passive strategies, tailored to the distinct demands of the global listed property sector. With a patient and persistent approach, we aim to generate long-term value and consistent returns for our investors.

The Investment process

At Reitway Global, we employ distinct investment processes for our active and passive products, each tailored to optimize performance and align with specific investor objectives.

Active Management for Active Products: In managing our active investment products, we adopt a proactive approach to REIT investing. Our experienced team actively identifies and capitalizes on asset class and sector inefficiencies, continuously seeking out undervalued companies that possess high-quality assets. Through comprehensive research, rigorous analysis, and hands-on management, we strive to optimize portfolio performance and deliver superior risk-adjusted returns to our investors.

Index Tracking for Passive Products: For our passive investment products, we implement an index tracking approach. These products are designed to replicate the performance of a specific property index. To closely match the index's performance, we construct a portfolio that mirrors the index's composition and weighting. Our focus is on cost efficiency and minimizing tracking error, while ensuring investors gain exposure to broad market trends and overall performance.

Regardless of the investment strategy, we place a strong emphasis on thorough research and due diligence. Our portfolio management team conducts rigorous analysis to identify investment opportunities, evaluate property fundamentals, assess market trends, and gauge risk factors. By employing this comprehensive approach, we ensure that both active and passive investment products are grounded in robust data, market insights, and a deep understanding of the underlying assets.

Through these investment processes, we aim to provide our investors with a diversified range of products that align with their risk tolerance and investment goals.