August 2 2021
Reitway Global is pleased to announce that the Reitway Global Property Fund (MLT) which is domiciled in Malta has been approved with effect on 1 August 2021 by the HMRC for UK Reporting Fund Status (UKRFS).
June 28 2021
Listing of the NewFunds Reitway Global Property ETF on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange on May 26th 2021.
May 18 2021
Reitway Global will launch its first property ETF on the JSE on 25 May, according to Reitway Global CEO Greg Rawlins. The fund manager is also looking to list a similar property ETF on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
May 4 2021
With local property under pressure and asset allocators looking for diversified sources of return offshore, it has found its way into a growing number of multi-asset class portfolios. Reitway Global is one of the best performing funds in South Africa, currently.
April 30 2021
We are very proud to share that we have been nominated for the Money Management "Fund Manager of the Year 2021" Award, under the category, Global Property Securities.
Good luck to all our peers that have been nominated.
April 27 2021
Investors should question conventional wisdom on real estate investment trusts (REITs) and start using them as an inflation hedge
April 6 2021
"One great advantage for most REITs is that they provide natural protection against inflation. Real estate rents and values tend to increase when other prices do."
March 25 2021
Reitway Global wins a Raging Bull award for the second year in a row.
March 22 2021
The top-performing fund – the Reitway BCI Global Property feeder fund – was up 17.4%. The worst performer lost -17.4%. That is an extraordinary difference in return of nearly 35.0%, in a category that only has 25 funds.
February 25 2021