The Reitway Global Property Prescient Actively Managed ETF is an actively managed ETF listed on the JSE. The Portfolio’s primary objective is to provide investors with an exposure to the listed global property market and will focus on selecting investments that have an ability to provide high levels of income and long-term capital growth.
The #1 Selling investment format in the REIT Asset Class
The objective is to provide investors with efficient access to an actively managed global property portfolio through an instrument listed on the JSE.
The ETF is the essence of diversification into liquid, global real estate securities and offers:
For more information on ETFs click here
Live Intra-day Net Asset Valuations iNAV are provided by IHS Markit (a subsidiary of S&P Global), who are an independent supplier of live online valuations. Prescient Securities, a member of the JSE will place a Bid / Offer spread onscreen that tracks this feed with a spread of 0.3% either side of the reported iNAV.
The iNAV is available at (select the ETF option)
Stephen Heath [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]
Listing date: 29 September 2023
Agent: Prescient Securities (Pty) Ltd
Benchmark: GPR 250 REIT NET TR Index
JSE Close price: 17h00 (CAT)
ISIN number:
Management Fee: 0.95% (excl. VAT)
Suggested investment horizon: 3-5 years
Trustees: Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
Manager: Prescient Management Company
Distributions: Distributions occur quarterly in March, June, September and December.
Bloomberg Ticker: RWAGP:SJ