Conventional wisdom might suggest investing in residential properties like houses, sectional title units, or apartments is a profitable long-term venture. However, before making any substantial financial commitments to fixed property it is important to consider how buy-to-let properties pose their own set of challenges and risks.
While investing in property is an important strategy when building an investment portfolio, it does not have to be in the form we may be used to. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), (something we know a lot about at Reitway) present a unique property investment approach that offers several advantages over direct property ownership.
Just like Uber built a taxi business without owning any cars, and AirBnb built a lodging business without owing any rooms, you can build a large property portfolio without owning any properties. Except in your case, you do technically own a portion of all of the properties, without any of the hassles for a fraction of the cost.
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) provide a powerful alternative to direct property ownership, giving you access to a diverse range of real estate assets without the steep costs, management challenges, and risks that usually come with it.
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